Saraf, P.N., Srivastava, J., Munoz, F. et al. How can dry tropical forests respond to climate change? Predictions for key Non-Timber Forest Product species show different trends in India. Environ Monit Assess 196, 727 (2024).
Quamar, M. F., Thakur, B., Sharma, A., Kumar, K., Tiwari, P., Tiwari, A., Prasad, N., Srivastava, J., Phartiyal, B., Manoj, M. C., Roy, I., Saraf, P. N., Prasanna, K., Ali, N., Khan, I., Pandey, S., & Trivedi, A. (2024). Multiproxy studies on the spatially distinct surface samples to reconstruct palaeoecology and palaeoclimate from the Core Monsoon Zone of India. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India, 69(1), 21-36.
Saraf, P. N., Srivastava, J., Charles, B., Munoz, F., Samal, P., & Quamar, Md. F. (2024). Using proxy data and vegetation modelling to predict past, current and future distributional shifts of Butea monosperma, a marker of land degradation in India. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India, 69(1), 80-94.
Nitin Saraf, P., Srivastava, J., Munoz, F., Charles, B., Samal, P., & Quamar, M. F. (2024). Ecological niche modelling to project past, current and future distributional shift of black ebony tree Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb. in India. Nordic Journal of Botany, e04266.
Samal P., Srivastava, J., Charles, B., Subramanian, S.R. (2023). Species distribution models to predict the potential niche shift and priority conservation areas for mangroves (Rhizophora apiculata, R. mucronata) in response to climate and sea level fluctuations along coastal India. Ecological Indicators, 154, 110631.
Samal P., Subramanian, S.R., Srivastava, J., Kawsar, M., Manoj, M. C., Gurumurthy, G. P., Chauhan, M. M., Ali, S., Alam, M., Sharma, A., Jena, P. S., Shivam, A., & Bhushan, R. (2023). A 2600-yr multiproxy record for climate and vegetation reconstruction along the Mahanadi River delta, east coast of India. The Holocene, 33(7), 860–879.
Srivastava J, Manoj MC, Manjunatha BR, Yoganandan V, Jose J, Balakrishna K, Naveen Kumar A, Ahmed A. (2022) Delineation of terrestrial and marine productivity in the southwestern continental margin of India, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 230, 105-203.
Samal P, Singarasubramanian, SR, Srivastava, J, Jena, PS, Shivam, A, Bhushan, R (2023) Coastal vegetation dynamics in response to climatic and relative sea level changes in Mahanadi River delta, NE coast of India, Palynology, DOI: 10.1080/01916122.2022.2134937
Samal, P., Srivastava, J., Singarasubramanian, S.R., Saraf, P.N. and Charles, B. (2022) Ensemble modeling approach to predict the past and future climate suitability for two mangrove species along the coastal wetlands of peninsular India Ecological Informatics, 72, p.101819.
Samal P, Singarasubramanian, S.R., Manoj, M.C., Srivastava, J., Dsouza, N., Balakrishna, K., Chauhan, M.M., Ali, S (2022). Heavy metal contamination assessment and its associated human health risk evaluation in the Mahanadi River sediments, India. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2022).
Tripathi, S., Srivastava, J., Garg, A., Khan, S. ., Farooqui, A., Quamar, M. F., Thakur, B., Ranhotra, P. S., Basumatary, S. K., Trivedi, A., Pandey, S., Anupama, K., Prasad, S., & Reghu, N. (2022). Surface pollen quantification and floristic survey at Shaheed Chandra Shekhar Azad (SCSA) Bird Sanctuary, Central Ganga Plain, India: a pilot study for the palaeoecological implications. Journal of Palaeosciences, 71(2), 159–176.
Srivastava J, Farooqui A, Thakur B, Seth P. (2021). Palynomorph distribution in a mangrove ecosystem along environmental and salinity gradient: a tool for palaeoecological reconstruction. Wetlands Ecology and Management 29, 703–717
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V. Prasad, T. Utescher, A. Sharma, I. B. Singh, R. Garg, B. Gogoi, J. Srivastava, P. Uddandam, M. M. Joachimski (2018) Low-latitude vegetation and climate dynamics at the Paleocene-Eocene transition – A study based on multiple proxies from the Jathang section in northeastern India. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 497, 139-156.
Srivastava, J and Farooqui, A (2017). Holocene climate and relative sea level changes in Cauvery River Delta, India based on Pollen and sedimentary records. Journal of Palaeontological Society of India 62(2), 193-204.
Srivastava, J, Farooqui, A, Seth, P (2019) Pollen-vegetation relationship in surface sediments, Coringa mangrove ecosystem, India: palaeoecological applications, Palynology, 43:3, 451-466, DOI: 10.1080/01916122.2018.1458755
Srivastava, J, Prasad, V (2015). Effect of global warming on diversity pattern in Nypa mangroves across Paleocene–Eocene transition in the paleo-equatorial region of the Indian sub-continent. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 429, 1–12.
Thakur B, Srivastava J, Uddandam P, Manoj MC, Prasad V. (2015) Role of sedimentary processes and environmental factors in determining the distribution pattern of diatoms and marine/ terrestrial palynomorphs in a tropical coastal wetland. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India 60(2), 71-84.
Srivastava, J, Farooqui, A (2014). Environmental impact on Palynological Assemblage and Thecamoebians in the Tributary of Uppanar River, Cauvery Delta during the last 3300 years. Journal for Geological Society of India 84(4), 459–466.
Farooqui, A, Pattan, JN, Parthiban, G, Srivastava, J, Ranjana (2014). Palynological record of Tropical rainforest vegetation and sea level fluctuations since 140 ka from sediment core, south-eastern Arabian Sea. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.06.020.
Srivastava, J, Farooqui, A, Hussain, SM (2013). Climate-induced Late-Holocene ecological changes in Pichavaram Estuary, India. Marine Ecology, 34, 474–483.
Srivastava, J, Farooqui, A (2013). Late Holocene mangrove dynamics and coastal environmental changes in the Northeastern Cauvery River Delta, India. Quaternary International, 298, 45- 56.
Srivastava, J, Farooqui, A, Hussain, SM (2012). Vegetation history and salinity gradient during the last 3700 years in Pichavaram Estuary, India. Journal of Earth system sciences, 121(5), 1229–1237.
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