Human-induced climate changes have been of worldwide significance for the past few decades. Mitigation strategies for lowering fossil carbon releases and monitoring the greenhouse gas impacts on Earth’s climate like sufficient afforestation of agricultural lands and grasslands alter the global land use/land cover. Variations in natural/anthropogenic land cover may cause positive/negative responses to climate systems due to the complex interactions between the Earth’s biogeochemical and physical processes and environment. Hence, quantitative reconstructions of the past land cover provide a significant data source for unscrambling the natural and anthropogenic elements of land cover change. Fossil pollen plays a vital role as a direct proxy for estimating vegetation cover in the past and an indirect proxy for understanding past climate.
We derive the pollen-vegetation relationship by estimating the source area of pollen and pollen productivity of plant taxa in forested and open landscapes of the Indian Subcontinent and test the Landscape reconstruction algorithms (REVEALS, LOVE model) for pollen-based vegetation and climate reconstructions in India for several time windows of the Holocene to produce vegetation descriptions useful in Earth-system modelling.
Climate change is projected to alter species' natural distribution and reduce ecosystem biodiversity. Hence, understanding the dynamics of vegetation distribution concerning palaeoclimate change is essential for a sound forecasting of the response of vegetation to future climate change. The distribution and abundance of pollen taxa reflect, on a regional scale, spatial variations in the composition of plant communities and biomes. This, in turn, provides information on the prevailing macroclimate. Hence, if the network of well-dated pollen records in a particular area is large enough, the data can be analysed and mapped to show changing distributions and abundances of individual taxa, changing spatial patterns in reconstructed vegetation and broad-scale variations in the paleoclimate. Here, we study fossil-pollen records in combination with Species Distribution Models (SDM) for hindcasting the Quaternary forest refugia from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to the present. SDM and paleo records are interrelated and offer intriguing new insights for future projections of vegetation dynamics under the anticipated global warming and climate change scenarios. Combining these two approaches would enable better accuracy of SDM applications in predicting potential Quaternary forest distribution. In addition, the modelling results would help to identify environmental variables affecting the diversity and distribution of plant communities and aid in formulating its conservation strategies.
The key parameters that influence the pollen-vegetation relationship involve variable pollen productivities and dispersion mechanisms of individual pollen taxa, spatial distribution of parent plant species i.e., community composition and structure, and distance from the sedimentary basin, along with the variation in depositional site i.e. sedimentary basin type and size. Rectifying the biases through these aspects offer a better evaluation of land cover. Estimation of Relative pollen productivity (RPP) from empirical vegetation and pollen data using ‘extended R Value model’ (ERV Model) has significantly reduced these issues. However, previous studies have recognized that the RPP estimates show significant within taxon variations in similar areas as well as between different regional settings. The driving factors for this variation in RPP values are individual species contribution within a genus or family, spatial distribution of plants, canopy structure, flowering age, edaphic conditions, and socioeconomic activities in a particular region. Hence, although several RPP estimation studies have been successfully conducted in many regions of the world, the acquired values cannot be appropriately extrapolated for regions with markedly different vegetation types. Therefore, RPP estimates of major plant taxa from various regions of the world with different biogeographic settings are required. Studies attempting to identify the modern pollen dispersion and deposition processes through ERV analysis and test models for pollen-vegetation-climate relationships are much needed for climate modelling studies.
Mangroves inhabit the intertidal zones in tropical and subtropical regions and monitor the exchange of matter at the interfaces of the terrestrial, marine and atmospheric ecosystem. This specialized ecosystem offers several ecosystem services, like alleviating coastal erosion by wind and waves, ensuring fishery resources and food security for coastal population, and protecting the coastal biodiversity. Mangrove ecosystem is notably an effective producer as well as a sink of carbon. Therefore, it plays a key role in global carbon cycling, and is an important blue carbon sink that can contribute to climate change mitigation. However, mangroves are highly vulnerable to climate change and fluctuations in relative sea level. They can migrate landward/seaward with the rise/fall in the relative sea level (RSL). A rapid change in the RSL can lead to a decline or disappearance of mangrove habitats. Similarly, low intensity precipitation also results to mangrove degradation through reduction in freshwater runoff, fluvial sediment, and nutrient input. Extreme warming events result in hypersaline conditions with high evaporation rates, which also cause mangrove forest degradation. The world at present is facing rapid sea level changes, frequent extreme climatic events, and an increasing population. Hence, reconstruction of past mangrove responses through climate indicators recorded in sediments is crucial to predict the fate of mangrove ecosystem under the influence of rapidly changing environment. Palynological succession of estuarine formations due to their situation along the coasts, are constantly controlled by marine and terrestrial factors such as, coastal erosion or accretion by the sea or by rivers, tidal waves, high salinity, water-logged soils and other edaphic characteristics. These, together with the distance from the sea, the frequency and duration of inundation and tidal dynamics, govern the distribution of mangrove species and their succession.
Marine sedimentary sequences serve as important archives for the reconstruction of climate and geological setting since the Cenozoic era. Although there are many studies carried out on the continental margin of India, limited information is available on the utilities of pollen as proxies for the reconstruction of paleoclimate. However, sediment cores used for these studies are not only from the deep-water regions, but also coarse resolution. In addition, there are inconsistencies between the terrestrial and marine proxies over the larger part of the South Asia. A palynological record reconstructed along with the study of other marine palynomorphs in these marine sediment cores retrieved from the continental margins document the past climatic and vegetation changes in the adjacent landmass and the palaeproductivity changes in response to the climate change during the past.
Mangrove taxa are segregated or zoned on the basis of their specific requirements such as tidal amplitude, salinity of water, soil salinity range and aeration of the soil. Mangroves possess water buoyant propagules which can be dispersed by estuarine current, wind, wave, tides and ocean circulation that helps in long distance transport and maintain their high diversity in the warm tropical intertidal belt. Due to their habitat specificity, mangroves expand or contract according to change in the climatic conditions and sea level fluctuations. Mangroves possess fossil records extending back to the Cretaceous era, 100 Ma providing the evidence of its global disjunct distribution. Mangroves occur in two distinct biogeographical regions: the Indo-West Pacific (IWP), which includes Asia, Australia, Oceana and the eastern coast of Africa; and the Atlantic East pacific (AEP) region, which covers the Americas and the western coast of Africa. Except for the Rhizophora mangrove which is cosmopolitan, the tropical zone of the Indo-West Pacific (IWP) and Atlantic East Pacific (AEP) regions display different mangrove genera suggesting the Pacific Ocean forming a key biogeographic barrier for the distribution of mangroves. In order to determine whether mangroves were ancestral plants of unique ecology or they got derived from other land plants, it is necessary to trace the origin of mangrove taxa in geological records.
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